Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Blogging vs. Journaling

I'm not sure what it is about writing a journal that makes the idea equally repellent and intriguing at the same time. This, blogging, makes sense to me. It is writing about my days, activities and interests in an appropriate format where others can share in them, even if they weren't with me. But writing in a journal? What I would write in there is only the things that no one needs to read, hear or know. It would be a record of all the ridiculous, mean, dumb, cynical, and sometimes irrationally exciting thoughts I might have throughout the day. These are the things that if I spoke out loud, I'd be incredibly embarrassed. These are not the kinds of things I want to record at the risk of dying and having someone find them.

On the other hand, if this post is any indication, I am a very self-centered human and love to pretend to be introspective. So wouldn't a journal be a nice indulgence?

The truth is I have tried to start a journal somewhere approaching one million times. I simply end up forgetting to continue it. I have an amazingly bad memory and that is the reason why I want to keep THIS journal regular. I have to remember my answered prayers. I have to keep record of how my God has blessed me. I can never, ever forget the incredible gifts I have received. If I forget the amazing things I have learned or experienced, it is as if they never happened. So I pledge to write honestly in this journal, but focusing on my family and friends. Focusing on my prayers, wishes, and hopes for them and myself and not focusing on the wrong.  If I change the way I write, maybe I can change the way I think. And if I record less wrong, it's as if that never happened too, right?

9. Start, and maintain, a semi-regular journal.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Gene Kelly and Donald O'Connor

I want to marry Gene Kelly. Or a Gene Kelly look-a-like. Or someone who can dance like him. Or Donald O'Connor.

Guys, these were real men.

You must watch this.

I don't think I have enjoyed a movie as much as I enjoyed "Singin' in the Rain". It was classic and fun and wonderful. AND I got to enjoy it with my great friend, Rebecca Pogue. Bec and I have danced together since 9th grade and she soon became one of my best friends. Some of my best memories from high school are from dance classes and just enjoying my time with these girls. She is continuing her dance career at UGA (which is regrettable, the UGA, not dancing..duh) and she is truly amazing. She will be going great places, so watch out!

Here are some of my favorite pictures. Don't make fun of my ballet bun.


15. See "Singin' in the Rain"

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Emily's 23rd Birthday

Emily turned 23 on August 1st. In the past 20 years, there have been very few times I have not been present for Emily's birthday so I was not letting a little thing like the fact that Emily is married and living nearly 3 hours away stop me from being present for one more. We have an unusually close family and and even more unusually close relationship between my sisters and me. It has been one of the most incredible blessings of my life. Being able to go to school with Emily was by far the best gift. To have her encourage me and want to show me off and be proud of me and take classes with me are some of the most memorable moments of my life.

When I asked my mom if I could go surprise Emily her immediate response was that she had to go too. So off we went at an unusually early hour to see the middle sister. After sleeping most of the ride, we finally arrived in Montgomery. BJ had been expecting us and let us in quietly. I walked up behind Emily, who was watching 'Say Yes To The Dress' on a Sunday morning and simply said.. Happy birthday! I honestly could not have asked for a better response. She fairly immediately began to cry and said "I DREAMED some of you would come but I never even imagined it would happen!" in her slightly over-dramatic crying voice. We spent the rest of the day picking out a wonderful camera that was BJ's gift to Emily and just spending the day together. It was a wonderful day. When I left I told Emily I did not have an entirely pure motive. "Did I make your day?" I finally asked when we were leaving. She assured me that I did, but then again, I am her needy little sister.

 20. Make someone's day.

Thursday, August 5, 2010


Y'all. My sister is amazing.

Well, they BOTH are but Katie especially impressed me with her willingness and excitement about joining me in an aerial silks class. She tore herself away from her kids for a few hours to humor me in my quest. If you don't know what aerial silks are, it looks a little something like this. Well, it looks like that when someone other than myself does it.

Needless to say, the thought of trying to learn this recreationaly was thrilling to me and interesting to Katie. So we suited up in our spandex and headed for the gym. Upon arrival (which was an adventure of its own) we sat down with the other class members and the teacher and began to chat. Quite quickly we discovered that Katie was one of two people there that had no dance experience (the other claimed to be a "beginner triathlete" but that was very debatable). This may have caused some sweaty palms on her part, but no more. She is hilarious. She kept me (and everyone else) laughing and happy the whole time. She was confident and strong and so great. And it was hard. I'm not talking 'waking up at 7 to go on a run' hard, I'm talking 'do you think my arms will ever function correctly again?' hard. In case you are wondering, it is 4 days later and I am beginning to regain normal function. Just for proof I am including far too many pictures. They are embarrassing and not flattering but they are proof. Awesome proof.

Someone asked me last night why I decided to do my list. I stopped and kind of laughed at myself. "I don't know.." I answered. "I guess so I wouldn't have a boring summer." "And is that what you gotten out of it?" they continued. "No, not really. I mean it definitely has kept me doing interesting things I might not have done otherwise. But I guess it has gotten me to do them with people I might not have done them with if I hadn't had a goal.. Or if they hadn't supported me."

So thank you for supporting me in my dumb ideas, and more importantly for participating.

3. Go to a trapeze or aerial class.

Monday, August 2, 2010


If the title of my blog is any indication, I love to read. I love books and bookshelves and I always have and I always will. If you are ever at a loss of something to get me as a present, a book will be the key to my heart and always appreciated. Seriously. Or if you are just trying to clear out some space, I am always willing to receive..

With that said, the Atlanta Vintage Bookstore is.. my heaven. It was beautiful and amazing and so many GREAT BOOKS. I can't believe I have never been here before! Oh, and it was filled with cats. So appropriate.

13. Explore this place ->