Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Emily's 23rd Birthday

Emily turned 23 on August 1st. In the past 20 years, there have been very few times I have not been present for Emily's birthday so I was not letting a little thing like the fact that Emily is married and living nearly 3 hours away stop me from being present for one more. We have an unusually close family and and even more unusually close relationship between my sisters and me. It has been one of the most incredible blessings of my life. Being able to go to school with Emily was by far the best gift. To have her encourage me and want to show me off and be proud of me and take classes with me are some of the most memorable moments of my life.

When I asked my mom if I could go surprise Emily her immediate response was that she had to go too. So off we went at an unusually early hour to see the middle sister. After sleeping most of the ride, we finally arrived in Montgomery. BJ had been expecting us and let us in quietly. I walked up behind Emily, who was watching 'Say Yes To The Dress' on a Sunday morning and simply said.. Happy birthday! I honestly could not have asked for a better response. She fairly immediately began to cry and said "I DREAMED some of you would come but I never even imagined it would happen!" in her slightly over-dramatic crying voice. We spent the rest of the day picking out a wonderful camera that was BJ's gift to Emily and just spending the day together. It was a wonderful day. When I left I told Emily I did not have an entirely pure motive. "Did I make your day?" I finally asked when we were leaving. She assured me that I did, but then again, I am her needy little sister.

 20. Make someone's day.


Emily and BJ said...

I love you so much milla and you truly did MAKE MY DAY! It was one of the most special days of my whole life and I am not exaggerating! LOVE YOU!

Daily Tales of Sugar and Spice said...

this makes me teary. oh i pray my girls have this type of bond.

Douglasfam said...

you are a little stinker!!! What a perfect way to make someone's day! I love you baby sister...and you too middle! We are incredibly and sometimes overly blessed!!! I am so thankful!!!