Saturday, August 14, 2010

Gene Kelly and Donald O'Connor

I want to marry Gene Kelly. Or a Gene Kelly look-a-like. Or someone who can dance like him. Or Donald O'Connor.

Guys, these were real men.

You must watch this.

I don't think I have enjoyed a movie as much as I enjoyed "Singin' in the Rain". It was classic and fun and wonderful. AND I got to enjoy it with my great friend, Rebecca Pogue. Bec and I have danced together since 9th grade and she soon became one of my best friends. Some of my best memories from high school are from dance classes and just enjoying my time with these girls. She is continuing her dance career at UGA (which is regrettable, the UGA, not dancing..duh) and she is truly amazing. She will be going great places, so watch out!

Here are some of my favorite pictures. Don't make fun of my ballet bun.


15. See "Singin' in the Rain"

1 comment:

Douglasfam said...

tap class? i'll take one with you!? that would be so fun! and might strain less muscles than silks!