Thursday, August 5, 2010


Y'all. My sister is amazing.

Well, they BOTH are but Katie especially impressed me with her willingness and excitement about joining me in an aerial silks class. She tore herself away from her kids for a few hours to humor me in my quest. If you don't know what aerial silks are, it looks a little something like this. Well, it looks like that when someone other than myself does it.

Needless to say, the thought of trying to learn this recreationaly was thrilling to me and interesting to Katie. So we suited up in our spandex and headed for the gym. Upon arrival (which was an adventure of its own) we sat down with the other class members and the teacher and began to chat. Quite quickly we discovered that Katie was one of two people there that had no dance experience (the other claimed to be a "beginner triathlete" but that was very debatable). This may have caused some sweaty palms on her part, but no more. She is hilarious. She kept me (and everyone else) laughing and happy the whole time. She was confident and strong and so great. And it was hard. I'm not talking 'waking up at 7 to go on a run' hard, I'm talking 'do you think my arms will ever function correctly again?' hard. In case you are wondering, it is 4 days later and I am beginning to regain normal function. Just for proof I am including far too many pictures. They are embarrassing and not flattering but they are proof. Awesome proof.

Someone asked me last night why I decided to do my list. I stopped and kind of laughed at myself. "I don't know.." I answered. "I guess so I wouldn't have a boring summer." "And is that what you gotten out of it?" they continued. "No, not really. I mean it definitely has kept me doing interesting things I might not have done otherwise. But I guess it has gotten me to do them with people I might not have done them with if I hadn't had a goal.. Or if they hadn't supported me."

So thank you for supporting me in my dumb ideas, and more importantly for participating.

3. Go to a trapeze or aerial class.


Douglasfam said...

man, your sister RULES!
and she's so graceful!
it sure was fun though!!! (even with the 4 hour splitting headache afterwards!)

Daily Tales of Sugar and Spice said...

these photos are AWESOME! you girls are so much fun. what a cool thing to do together.