Sunday, June 20, 2010

Meet Aaron.

And ignore the other two on the right. No really, please don't look at me. It had been a long few days of sweat and sweat and rain and sweat. Aaron is farthest left and the only one I'm talking about right now.
Aaron helped me complete #17. I met Aaron at Bonnaroo this past weekend. He is about to be a sophomore at WVU. I feel like I kind of cheated by completing this one at Bonnaroo because it was impossible NOT to make random friends from strangers. Everyone was so incredibly nice and friendly. Aaron just happen to be the only one I got a picture with. He also happened to be the most memorable encounter. Well, one of the most memorable.
I ran into him during the Weezer concert at Bonnaroo. I was in no mood to go worm my way to the front of a crowd looking and feeling the way I do in that picture (not that you were supposed to look at me, STOP LOOKING.) so I stayed behind and sat at a table. Not long after this Aaron and his friend came and sat in front of me. His friend was a little worse for the wear and was taking a nap in front of him so we struck up a conversation. We talked about our respective schools and our favorite shows and then he proceeded to ask me a question that I had never been asked. Since I am making a short story long I am going to just tell you the conversation with me saying "maybe that's not such a great idea Aaron.." and trying to convince him not to make a mistake. Well, what I considered a mistake anyways. He was very kind to me and respectfully disagreed.
All in all it was a very good experience and I am so grateful that my first experience to cross off was very good and definitely interesting.

17. Make a new random friend from a stranger.
(and get their picture)


cldeeter said...

Hey, Milla. I love you and am very proud of you. I love reading
your fabulously super blog.

Elizabeth W. said...