Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The Kids Are Alright

So, I went to a movie alone. I love to do things alone. I require a lot of alone time. But let me tell you, going to a movie alone was one of the most depressing things I have ever done. I definitely did not expect to hate it quite as much as I did.
I am what most people call a movie talker. Not a movie question asker, because y'all need to calm down and pay attention, but.. a talker. I like to discuss my ideas on what's going to happen or how everything will turn out. With no one there to discuss my increasingly brilliant insights on the movie, I grew very frustrated. I left frustrated. I'm still frustrated thinking about it because it was a very discussion worthy movie and I don't even know anyone else who saw it.
The movie was "The Kids Are Alright". It was about a lesbian couple with two teenage kids who go on a search for their biological father. My fingers feel weird and awkward even typing that. Nevertheless, it was.. interesting, but I think I just really needed someone there with me to diffuse the awkwardness of what I was watching. Maybe I will try again with a more mind-numbing movie one day.


8. Go to a movie alone.

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