Sunday, December 19, 2010

The state list. Revised.

I know what you are thinking. It's something along the lines of Two posts in three days?! Have I ever been so lucky?? No, my friend. You have not.

Anyways, I am here to say that I am revising my state list. Again, I can hear your thoughts and they sound like this But didn't you set that list as a goal and knew that some of them would be hard and possibly unattainable? Isn't changing it kind of like cheating? And here is what I have to say to that. It's my life and I do what I want.

Just kidding.
Kind of.

I am replacing Idaho with Arizona. I mean, really, what was I thinking with Idaho in the first place? I do not know. And I have wanted to go to Arizona and am now going to get the chance to very soon. So here is my new and greatly improved list.

1. Florida
Harry Potter, Duh.

2. Mississippi - never been
How have I never been here?

3. Louisiana - never been
NOLA? Maybe..

4. Texas - never been
Austin? Dallas? San Antonio?

5. South Carolina
Hartsville, SC
Charleston, SC

6. North Carolina
Charlotte, NC

7. Virginia

8. Tennessee
Nashville, TN

9. Arkansas - never been
Little Rock, the home of the Deeter clan.

10. Illinois - never been
Chicago, IL
Visit Wheaton?

11. New York
New York City, NY

12. Pennsylvania - never been
Philadelphia, PA

13. New Jersey - never been
I just have to see it for myself. Maybe go visit Princeton?

14. Washington - never been
Seattle, I need to meet you.

15. Massachusetts
Boston. Visit Gordon-Cromwell? South-Hamilton, MA

16. Rhode Island - never been
Providence, you seem so cool.

17. Vermont - never been

18. Maine - never been

19. Maryland

20. Oregon
Revisit Ashland?

21. Arizona - never been
Glendale, obviously.

22. New Hampshire - never been

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