Friday, December 17, 2010

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter

I'd be lying if I said I didn't love Harry Potter. A lot. Most of the time I try to downplay how much I like it, which may seem alarming to those of you who know me best. I've loved the books from about the age of 8. I even have a closet below my stairs that I would sit in and read and pretend I was Harry with my friends. It's a seriously nerdy life I lead.

Needless to say, when The Wizarding World of Harry Potter was announced I felt as if all of my dreams had come true. This world that I fantasized about for over a decade was coming to life. I was even more excited when on my 21st birthday I was presented with a ticket to use whenever I choose by Elizabeth Williams. So on December the 11th we arrived in Orlando. I truly wish I had the time and patience to expand on all of the wacky things that happened along the way including, but not limited to,  being in a hotel full of aggressive guidos with tendencies to fight in the wee hours of the morning, very interesting bus rides, awkward lobby decorations, weather changes, run ins with Florida Highway Patrol, and getting stuck on a ride.

Y'all. We got stuck on a Harry ride. It was kind of awesome and kind of scary. Awesome because it was hilarious and resulted in some ridiculous photos and kind of scary because we were leaning backwards and to the side which resulted in some serious headaches. It's a great story though. Ask me about it some time. It really requires a live telling. Me writing about it would do the story no justice.

1. Florida
Harry Potter, Duh.

1 comment:

Douglasfam said...

omg! camilla!!! this looks so fun!!! i cant wait to hear MORE MORE MORE! I LOVE YOU! And love E for taking you!!!!