Tuesday, June 8, 2010

The list.

At 114 days before my 21st birthday I made a list. It is a list of 21 things I have either never done, need to do again, or have always wanted to do. I'm going to need accountability to actually get these done so I figured this would be a great place to get both that, and a place to document my... experiment. Since making the list I have begun or completed a few and will keep you updated on my progress. Now, for the list!

1. Learn to play a song on the mandolin.

2. Read The Count of Monte Cristo.
(Why have I not done this yet?)

3. Go to a trapeze or aerial class.

4. Finish 'Lost'.
(gahhh halfway through season 3 and seriously slowing down.)

5. Let my oldest sister teach me how to make a real meal.

6. Make an outfit for my nieces.

7. Paint.

8. Go to a movie alone.

9. Start, and maintain, a semi-regular journal.

10. Write at least 3 unexpected letters.

11. Return to my high school weight.

12. Memorize a passage of scripture.
(Still trying to decide which one)

13. Explore this place -> http://www.atlantavintagebooks.com/?page=shop/index

14. Spend a week (or mooooorrre) off of Facebook.

15. See "Singin' in the Rain"

16. Actually sell something I make.

17. Make a new random friend from a stranger.
(and get their picture)

18. Go to Jule Collins Museum.

19. Learn how to change a tire.

20. Make someone's day.

21. ?

For #21 I will be taking suggestions, mainly because I couldn't think of a 21st one I REALLY wanted to do but also because I would love to hear what you think would be good for me.

Thanks for joining me!


Douglasfam said...

Hey Milla! I'm excited about this and about taking part in a few! i love you and your fun ideas!!! You are super!!!

Unknown said...

I went and saw a movie alone because I wanted to and it was fantastic!!!

The only bad part was it was "Princess and the Frog" so I felt like a creeper and Bella Pefianco and many of her friends saw me....so....the moral of the story is....maybe don't pick a kids movie when you go....

Camilla Deeter said...

Dang! I was maybe going to do Toy Story 3..

Unknown said...

i mean, hey, i had a good time. judged by the Whitefield kids, yes, but had a bad time, absolutely not. you should totally go see toy story 3.