Tuesday, July 6, 2010

4 8 15 16 23 42

It saddens me just a little that I didn't even have to look those numbers up. I thought I would never remember them, but there they are.

If you don't watch 'Lost' already, then you probably have no idea what I'm talking about. I just watched every episode and I don't understand 99% of what I just watched. But did I love it? Yes, I did.
I surely did not understand the phenomenon when I began my journey. I couldn't imagine why everyone cared about this Island (which I now feel like should be capitalized out of respect) and simply watching how the people just survived on it. How they dragged 6 seasons out of it, I had no idea. But after having finished all 6 seasons I can honestly say, I was wrong. If you are reading this, you probably know that that is not an easy statement for me to admit. I am sorry to my friends who I didn't believe (yes, you, David Roy). I fought the fact that I could be so easily pulled in. You totally called it. I actually even got through most of the first season without being totally absorbed.. but I was taken after that. I actually just cried, CRIED, while watching the finale. Partly because I was so sad it was over. I have never cried during a TV show. I cannot imagine having had to wait an actual six years to understand (mostly) everything instead of the 6 months I spent on it. Bravo to you who held on through that time..and to my 'Lost' guides.. thank you for humoring my random texts, calls, general confusion and all of the ridiculousness that I required.

So here is to Jack and Kate, Sawyer and Kate, Sawyer and Juliet, Sawyer and Ana Lucia (bet you forgot about that one..), Jack and Juliet, Jack and his father, Jin and Sun, Sun and the bald guy, Sayid and Shannon, Boone and Shannon (his sister, which I will never get over), Sayid and Nadia, Hugo and Libby, The Dharma Initiative and the polar bears, Alex and Carl, Charlie and Claire, Charlie and heroin, Claire and Aaron, Kate and Aaron, Mr. Eko and being awesome, Ben and Jacob, Jacob and his brother, John Locke and Ben, John Locke and the Island, and of course, Desmond and Penny.

 See you in another life, brotha.

4. Finish 'Lost'.

1 comment:

au327 said...

How could you forget Walt? Come on....