Thursday, July 29, 2010


Art Douglas is the wonderful husband of my oldest sister, Katie. He is also my teacher in all things mechanical or electronic. So when he saw that I wanted to learn how to change a tire, he jumped at the opportunity to help me out.

Art VERY patiently taught me how to change my tire, but not without a few groans, struggles and whines from me. He even whispered "righty tighty, lefty loosey.." in an impressively not sarcastic tone to me after a few seconds of me more or less jumping on the wrench. He tried to make me do the whole thing alone and he ALMOST succeeded, but lets be honest, I'm just not very strong. And it was HOT. So hot. I was sweating so much. As was he. But you can see the pictures to prove it.

Art has more or less been a part of our family since I was in elementary school. He has come to everything from my fifth grade graduation to my senior recital and been remarkably excited about all of those things. He has tutored me in math, science, woodworking, mechanics, boys, and generally being awesome. He has treated Emily and me as his sisters from day one and loved us immensely.When boys broke our hearts, he was ready to fight and when we were going to dances he oohed and ahhed over our dresses.

He is constantly surrounded by girls and I am very glad that he is there to teach me things like this when we really need a boy around. He is the best that I could have dreamed for Katie and especially my nieces.


19. Learn how to change a tire.

1 comment:

Douglasfam said...

so sweet milla moo!