Monday, September 13, 2010

I am not creative.

About 93% of the time when I tell someone that I am a fashion design major they immediately reply with, "Oh, you must be VERY creative!" I am not creative. If you have spoken with me for more than 4 minutes, you probably know that. The more I delve into my major, the more I realize that creativity is hard work. It is a process and the more people think you are or expect you to be creative, the harder it is and more pressure you feel. (And in case you are wondering what I learn in my classes, I am currently in class where my teacher is instructing us on how to stay inspired.. here are her tips: Be alert for source of inspiration, Trust your intuition, Folder of scrap pictures, Sketch or croquis book, Research other designers, Collect fabric and trims, Collect garments, SHOP, SHOP, SHOP!!!!! )

People are often confused because I love creative things. I love dance, art, music, movies and theater. I am not incredibly good at any of these things but I enjoy them immensely. I am not putting myself down, let me assure you. I am just very aware of what I am truly best at. Like being honest.

This is all very beside the point. The point is that I painted something. Not a great something, but something.

“Allowing somebody, one mere person, to believe that he or she is the vessel, the font and the essence and the source of all divine, creative, unknowable eternal mystery is just a smidge too much responsibility to put on one fragile human psyche. It’s like asking someone to swallow the sun.”
-Elizabeth Gilbert

7. Paint.

1 comment:

MomMom said...

Milla, that is brilliant!
I love those sweet birds.