Thursday, September 30, 2010

Miller and Henry

My birthday is bittersweet.

Very bittersweet. Henry Cart, a friend of mine and fellow traveler to Romania, passed away on my seventeenth birthday. He was a great guy and a great friend. He loved the Lord greatly and would be a senior in college this year. I remember with all too much clarity the morning of September 30th, 2006. I woke up with a call that Henry had died in the early morning hours. My friends and I spent the rest of the day laying in the room of Henry's girlfriend and one of my great friends. That was the most surreal day of my life. This memory makes it hard to celebrate on September 30th.

On September 20th of this year, only ten days ago, Miller Nuesse suffered from and ultimately died from a mysterious aneurysm. He was another friend from the same Romania trip. He was young and strong and great. Godly and joyful. He led a life of service and aimed to become a doctor one day. His sacrifice, even after life, saved the lives of 8 people. If you get a chance, read this. This is making this day bittersweet as well. But why? That is so silly. They are both in heaven PRAISING JESUS. IN HIS PRESENCE. At this moment! There is literally nothing more exciting than that. Nothing at all.

At Miller's memorial service, his mother and brother both spoke with unfailing joy and strength of the sort that only comes from the Holy Spirit. I could write a book about what they said that afternoon, but I won't. So come ask me about it sometime.

Mrs. Nuesse read some scripture. She read the wonderful Psalm 24.

 1 The earth is the LORD's, and everything in it,
       the world, and all who live in it;   
2 for he founded it upon the seas
       and established it upon the waters.
 3 Who may ascend the hill of the LORD ?
       Who may stand in his holy place?
 4 He who has clean hands and a pure heart,
       who does not lift up his soul to an idol
       or swear by what is false. [a]
 5 He will receive blessing from the LORD
       and vindication from God his Savior.
 6 Such is the generation of those who seek him,
       who seek your face, O God of Jacob. [b]
 7 Lift up your heads, O you gates;
       be lifted up, you ancient doors,
       that the King of glory may come in.
 8 Who is this King of glory?
       The LORD strong and mighty,
       the LORD mighty in battle.
 9 Lift up your heads, O you gates;
       lift them up, you ancient doors,
       that the King of glory may come in.
 10 Who is he, this King of glory?
       The LORD Almighty—
       he is the King of glory.

So today is a day of celebration. Celebration of the lives of Miller and Henry. Mourning may stay for the night, but joy comes in the morning!

12. Memorize a passage of scripture.


Douglasfam said...

i love you camilla.
i rejoice in the day you were born!
my eyes are filled with tears and I am choking back a full on cry. i love you and am so proud of you! thank you for sharing these sweet memories.

Daily Tales of Sugar and Spice said...

so touching. you are one great young woman miss camilla. happy happy birthday!