Wednesday, September 29, 2010

My Dad's Turkey Chili

Ok, it's not MY dad's turkey chili exactly. It's Souper Jenny's dad's chili and, no offense to my wonderful, loving father, I'm probably glad it wasn't created by my culinarily challenged dad. Nonetheless, it was my oldest sister Katie's recipe of choice for teaching me how to make a meal. Since I am incapable of doing anything at an appropriate time or when it would be most convenient for everyone involved, i waited until 2 days before my birthday, when my sister was in Atlanta and I in Auburn to get her to teach me. But teach me she did. She sent me the grocery list and recipe early so I could prepare. I had to call her from the grocery store multiple times to ask questions like "does this mean TWO cans of 28-ounces or two SIXTEEN ounce cans..?" and "what exactly are 'white' beans?" Once I finally got all of my ingredients I headed home and began to prepare. I began with dessert and whipped up some Oreo Surprise (which is dominating my fridge, so please come get some.) After my classes ended for the day, I began chopping.. and chopping. Katie was concerned that I had gotten hurt because it was taking me so long. Katie made sure I checked in at least every 15 minutes. And good thing I did. I had to keep asking if I absolutely had to use all of those tomatoes or a whole bunch of cilantro. She allowed me some creative freedom and I'm thinking the chili was better for it. Maybe. I hope. She was able to teach me how to follow a recipe but where I had room to wiggle. And I only cut myself once and burned twice! However, I have an enormous amount leftover. So please, PLEASE come get some.

(pictures to come)

5. Let my oldest sister teach me how to make a real meal.

1 comment:

beverly lewis said...

sorry you have so much! kinda funny, right!?!