Sunday, December 19, 2010

The state list. Revised.

I know what you are thinking. It's something along the lines of Two posts in three days?! Have I ever been so lucky?? No, my friend. You have not.

Anyways, I am here to say that I am revising my state list. Again, I can hear your thoughts and they sound like this But didn't you set that list as a goal and knew that some of them would be hard and possibly unattainable? Isn't changing it kind of like cheating? And here is what I have to say to that. It's my life and I do what I want.

Just kidding.
Kind of.

I am replacing Idaho with Arizona. I mean, really, what was I thinking with Idaho in the first place? I do not know. And I have wanted to go to Arizona and am now going to get the chance to very soon. So here is my new and greatly improved list.

1. Florida
Harry Potter, Duh.

2. Mississippi - never been
How have I never been here?

3. Louisiana - never been
NOLA? Maybe..

4. Texas - never been
Austin? Dallas? San Antonio?

5. South Carolina
Hartsville, SC
Charleston, SC

6. North Carolina
Charlotte, NC

7. Virginia

8. Tennessee
Nashville, TN

9. Arkansas - never been
Little Rock, the home of the Deeter clan.

10. Illinois - never been
Chicago, IL
Visit Wheaton?

11. New York
New York City, NY

12. Pennsylvania - never been
Philadelphia, PA

13. New Jersey - never been
I just have to see it for myself. Maybe go visit Princeton?

14. Washington - never been
Seattle, I need to meet you.

15. Massachusetts
Boston. Visit Gordon-Cromwell? South-Hamilton, MA

16. Rhode Island - never been
Providence, you seem so cool.

17. Vermont - never been

18. Maine - never been

19. Maryland

20. Oregon
Revisit Ashland?

21. Arizona - never been
Glendale, obviously.

22. New Hampshire - never been

Friday, December 17, 2010

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter

I'd be lying if I said I didn't love Harry Potter. A lot. Most of the time I try to downplay how much I like it, which may seem alarming to those of you who know me best. I've loved the books from about the age of 8. I even have a closet below my stairs that I would sit in and read and pretend I was Harry with my friends. It's a seriously nerdy life I lead.

Needless to say, when The Wizarding World of Harry Potter was announced I felt as if all of my dreams had come true. This world that I fantasized about for over a decade was coming to life. I was even more excited when on my 21st birthday I was presented with a ticket to use whenever I choose by Elizabeth Williams. So on December the 11th we arrived in Orlando. I truly wish I had the time and patience to expand on all of the wacky things that happened along the way including, but not limited to,  being in a hotel full of aggressive guidos with tendencies to fight in the wee hours of the morning, very interesting bus rides, awkward lobby decorations, weather changes, run ins with Florida Highway Patrol, and getting stuck on a ride.

Y'all. We got stuck on a Harry ride. It was kind of awesome and kind of scary. Awesome because it was hilarious and resulted in some ridiculous photos and kind of scary because we were leaning backwards and to the side which resulted in some serious headaches. It's a great story though. Ask me about it some time. It really requires a live telling. Me writing about it would do the story no justice.

1. Florida
Harry Potter, Duh.

Monday, October 18, 2010

The State List

Who is ready for some road trips?

These are places I want to go in my 22 year. Some of them are places I have been and want to revisit, some are places I have always wanted to go, and some are places that I just need to have been to.

1. Florida
Harry Potter, Duh.

2. Mississippi - never been
How have I never been here?

3. Louisiana - never been
NOLA? Maybe..

4. Texas - never been
Austin? Dallas? San Antonio?

5. South Carolina
Hartsville, SC
Charleston, SC

6. North Carolina
Charlotte, NC

7. Virginia

8. Tennessee
Nashville, TN

9. Arkansas - never been
Little Rock, the home of the Deeter clan.

10. Illinois - never been
Chicago, IL
Visit Wheaton?

11. New York
New York City, NY

12. Pennsylvania - never been
Philadelphia, PA

13. New Jersey - never been
I just have to see it for myself. Maybe go visit Princeton?

14. Washington - never been
Seattle, I need to meet you.

15. Massachusetts
Boston. Visit Gordon-Cromwell? South-Hamilton, MA

16. Rhode Island - never been
Providence, you seem so cool.

17. Vermont - never been

18. Maine - never been

19. Maryland

20. Oregon
Revisit Ashland?

21. Idaho - never been
Just feel like it needs a little love.

22. New Hampshire - never been

I'm thinking about making a new list every year of my life. That seems like a good idea now, I guess we will see how it goes in the coming years.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


1. Learn to play a song on the mandolin.
This was definitely a long shot.. Guess there is always 22!

2. Read The Count of Monte Cristo.

3. Go to a trapeze or aerial class.

4. Finish 'Lost'.

5. Let my oldest sister teach me how to make a real meal.

6. Make an outfit for my nieces.
UGH. I bought the fabric and everything I just got overwhelmed with other things.

7. Paint.

8. Go to a movie alone.

9. Start, and maintain, a semi-regular journal.

10. Write at least 3 unexpected letters.
Still planning on it! Just waited too long..

11. Return to my high school weight.
Ok, I don't even know why this was on the list. This was never going to happen.

12. Memorize a passage of scripture.

13. Explore this place ->

14. Spend a week (or mooooorrre) off of Facebook.

15. See "Singin' in the Rain"

16. Actually sell something I make.

17. Make a new random friend from a stranger.
(and get their picture)

18. Go to Jule Collins Museum.

19. Learn how to change a tire.

20. Make someone's day.

21. ?

Ok. So, I didn't do 4. YIKES. BUT, I decided on what 21 is.

Who is ready to hear? Eh? Eh?

I'm going to keep blogging. And even more, I am making a new list. A 22 list. But it is going to be very different than this one. Possibly a little more exciting. I hope you think so because I am very thrilled about it. I haven't finished the list yet so I am going to wait to tell you what the list is really about until I finish it completely!

Thank you all so much for enjoying this with me and I hope you stick around for the next big adventure!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Miller and Henry

My birthday is bittersweet.

Very bittersweet. Henry Cart, a friend of mine and fellow traveler to Romania, passed away on my seventeenth birthday. He was a great guy and a great friend. He loved the Lord greatly and would be a senior in college this year. I remember with all too much clarity the morning of September 30th, 2006. I woke up with a call that Henry had died in the early morning hours. My friends and I spent the rest of the day laying in the room of Henry's girlfriend and one of my great friends. That was the most surreal day of my life. This memory makes it hard to celebrate on September 30th.

On September 20th of this year, only ten days ago, Miller Nuesse suffered from and ultimately died from a mysterious aneurysm. He was another friend from the same Romania trip. He was young and strong and great. Godly and joyful. He led a life of service and aimed to become a doctor one day. His sacrifice, even after life, saved the lives of 8 people. If you get a chance, read this. This is making this day bittersweet as well. But why? That is so silly. They are both in heaven PRAISING JESUS. IN HIS PRESENCE. At this moment! There is literally nothing more exciting than that. Nothing at all.

At Miller's memorial service, his mother and brother both spoke with unfailing joy and strength of the sort that only comes from the Holy Spirit. I could write a book about what they said that afternoon, but I won't. So come ask me about it sometime.

Mrs. Nuesse read some scripture. She read the wonderful Psalm 24.

 1 The earth is the LORD's, and everything in it,
       the world, and all who live in it;   
2 for he founded it upon the seas
       and established it upon the waters.
 3 Who may ascend the hill of the LORD ?
       Who may stand in his holy place?
 4 He who has clean hands and a pure heart,
       who does not lift up his soul to an idol
       or swear by what is false. [a]
 5 He will receive blessing from the LORD
       and vindication from God his Savior.
 6 Such is the generation of those who seek him,
       who seek your face, O God of Jacob. [b]
 7 Lift up your heads, O you gates;
       be lifted up, you ancient doors,
       that the King of glory may come in.
 8 Who is this King of glory?
       The LORD strong and mighty,
       the LORD mighty in battle.
 9 Lift up your heads, O you gates;
       lift them up, you ancient doors,
       that the King of glory may come in.
 10 Who is he, this King of glory?
       The LORD Almighty—
       he is the King of glory.

So today is a day of celebration. Celebration of the lives of Miller and Henry. Mourning may stay for the night, but joy comes in the morning!

12. Memorize a passage of scripture.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

My Dad's Turkey Chili

Ok, it's not MY dad's turkey chili exactly. It's Souper Jenny's dad's chili and, no offense to my wonderful, loving father, I'm probably glad it wasn't created by my culinarily challenged dad. Nonetheless, it was my oldest sister Katie's recipe of choice for teaching me how to make a meal. Since I am incapable of doing anything at an appropriate time or when it would be most convenient for everyone involved, i waited until 2 days before my birthday, when my sister was in Atlanta and I in Auburn to get her to teach me. But teach me she did. She sent me the grocery list and recipe early so I could prepare. I had to call her from the grocery store multiple times to ask questions like "does this mean TWO cans of 28-ounces or two SIXTEEN ounce cans..?" and "what exactly are 'white' beans?" Once I finally got all of my ingredients I headed home and began to prepare. I began with dessert and whipped up some Oreo Surprise (which is dominating my fridge, so please come get some.) After my classes ended for the day, I began chopping.. and chopping. Katie was concerned that I had gotten hurt because it was taking me so long. Katie made sure I checked in at least every 15 minutes. And good thing I did. I had to keep asking if I absolutely had to use all of those tomatoes or a whole bunch of cilantro. She allowed me some creative freedom and I'm thinking the chili was better for it. Maybe. I hope. She was able to teach me how to follow a recipe but where I had room to wiggle. And I only cut myself once and burned twice! However, I have an enormous amount leftover. So please, PLEASE come get some.

(pictures to come)

5. Let my oldest sister teach me how to make a real meal.

Monday, September 27, 2010


Ok. So I haven't ACTUALLY sold anything yet, but it is up for sale. And that counts for something, right? I'm gonna say right. I made a few hair pieces and listed them on Etsy. They have been viewed a total of 3 times combined. So, you know, I'm really hitting it big, fast. Honestly, I'm too embarrassed to put the link up at the moment. Maybe later when I am feeling braver I will show it to you guys. Here's to starting my career!

16. Actually sell something I make.

Jule and Josh.

My trip to Jule Collins was not what I expected. There were multiple classes there on field trips and there for a lecture. It was crowded and there were people there I knew. To be quite frank, it was a tad bit awkward. Plus, I get distracted very easily. Don't get me wrong, I thoroughly enjoyed looking at the artwork and it was all quite beautiful (except for maybe a few awkward half-naked children paintings). The actual place is wonderful and hopefully when I return I can possibly enjoy it a tad bit more peacefully. My saving grace was that I didn't go alone. Josh Marx was kind enough to accompany me. Josh has been one of the, if not the most supportive person in my quest to finish my list. And by supportive, I mean he bugs me often about how much I have left to do and comes up with solutions as to how I can finish. When I have said that I just don't think I will be able to finish some of the goals, he has come up with creative solutions to help me finish in what little time I have. So hopefully with a little bit more encouragement and help I can finish before Thursday!

18. Go to Jule Collins Museum.

Monday, September 13, 2010

I am not creative.

About 93% of the time when I tell someone that I am a fashion design major they immediately reply with, "Oh, you must be VERY creative!" I am not creative. If you have spoken with me for more than 4 minutes, you probably know that. The more I delve into my major, the more I realize that creativity is hard work. It is a process and the more people think you are or expect you to be creative, the harder it is and more pressure you feel. (And in case you are wondering what I learn in my classes, I am currently in class where my teacher is instructing us on how to stay inspired.. here are her tips: Be alert for source of inspiration, Trust your intuition, Folder of scrap pictures, Sketch or croquis book, Research other designers, Collect fabric and trims, Collect garments, SHOP, SHOP, SHOP!!!!! )

People are often confused because I love creative things. I love dance, art, music, movies and theater. I am not incredibly good at any of these things but I enjoy them immensely. I am not putting myself down, let me assure you. I am just very aware of what I am truly best at. Like being honest.

This is all very beside the point. The point is that I painted something. Not a great something, but something.

“Allowing somebody, one mere person, to believe that he or she is the vessel, the font and the essence and the source of all divine, creative, unknowable eternal mystery is just a smidge too much responsibility to put on one fragile human psyche. It’s like asking someone to swallow the sun.”
-Elizabeth Gilbert

7. Paint.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The Kids Are Alright

So, I went to a movie alone. I love to do things alone. I require a lot of alone time. But let me tell you, going to a movie alone was one of the most depressing things I have ever done. I definitely did not expect to hate it quite as much as I did.
I am what most people call a movie talker. Not a movie question asker, because y'all need to calm down and pay attention, but.. a talker. I like to discuss my ideas on what's going to happen or how everything will turn out. With no one there to discuss my increasingly brilliant insights on the movie, I grew very frustrated. I left frustrated. I'm still frustrated thinking about it because it was a very discussion worthy movie and I don't even know anyone else who saw it.
The movie was "The Kids Are Alright". It was about a lesbian couple with two teenage kids who go on a search for their biological father. My fingers feel weird and awkward even typing that. Nevertheless, it was.. interesting, but I think I just really needed someone there with me to diffuse the awkwardness of what I was watching. Maybe I will try again with a more mind-numbing movie one day.


8. Go to a movie alone.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Blogging vs. Journaling

I'm not sure what it is about writing a journal that makes the idea equally repellent and intriguing at the same time. This, blogging, makes sense to me. It is writing about my days, activities and interests in an appropriate format where others can share in them, even if they weren't with me. But writing in a journal? What I would write in there is only the things that no one needs to read, hear or know. It would be a record of all the ridiculous, mean, dumb, cynical, and sometimes irrationally exciting thoughts I might have throughout the day. These are the things that if I spoke out loud, I'd be incredibly embarrassed. These are not the kinds of things I want to record at the risk of dying and having someone find them.

On the other hand, if this post is any indication, I am a very self-centered human and love to pretend to be introspective. So wouldn't a journal be a nice indulgence?

The truth is I have tried to start a journal somewhere approaching one million times. I simply end up forgetting to continue it. I have an amazingly bad memory and that is the reason why I want to keep THIS journal regular. I have to remember my answered prayers. I have to keep record of how my God has blessed me. I can never, ever forget the incredible gifts I have received. If I forget the amazing things I have learned or experienced, it is as if they never happened. So I pledge to write honestly in this journal, but focusing on my family and friends. Focusing on my prayers, wishes, and hopes for them and myself and not focusing on the wrong.  If I change the way I write, maybe I can change the way I think. And if I record less wrong, it's as if that never happened too, right?

9. Start, and maintain, a semi-regular journal.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Gene Kelly and Donald O'Connor

I want to marry Gene Kelly. Or a Gene Kelly look-a-like. Or someone who can dance like him. Or Donald O'Connor.

Guys, these were real men.

You must watch this.

I don't think I have enjoyed a movie as much as I enjoyed "Singin' in the Rain". It was classic and fun and wonderful. AND I got to enjoy it with my great friend, Rebecca Pogue. Bec and I have danced together since 9th grade and she soon became one of my best friends. Some of my best memories from high school are from dance classes and just enjoying my time with these girls. She is continuing her dance career at UGA (which is regrettable, the UGA, not dancing..duh) and she is truly amazing. She will be going great places, so watch out!

Here are some of my favorite pictures. Don't make fun of my ballet bun.


15. See "Singin' in the Rain"

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Emily's 23rd Birthday

Emily turned 23 on August 1st. In the past 20 years, there have been very few times I have not been present for Emily's birthday so I was not letting a little thing like the fact that Emily is married and living nearly 3 hours away stop me from being present for one more. We have an unusually close family and and even more unusually close relationship between my sisters and me. It has been one of the most incredible blessings of my life. Being able to go to school with Emily was by far the best gift. To have her encourage me and want to show me off and be proud of me and take classes with me are some of the most memorable moments of my life.

When I asked my mom if I could go surprise Emily her immediate response was that she had to go too. So off we went at an unusually early hour to see the middle sister. After sleeping most of the ride, we finally arrived in Montgomery. BJ had been expecting us and let us in quietly. I walked up behind Emily, who was watching 'Say Yes To The Dress' on a Sunday morning and simply said.. Happy birthday! I honestly could not have asked for a better response. She fairly immediately began to cry and said "I DREAMED some of you would come but I never even imagined it would happen!" in her slightly over-dramatic crying voice. We spent the rest of the day picking out a wonderful camera that was BJ's gift to Emily and just spending the day together. It was a wonderful day. When I left I told Emily I did not have an entirely pure motive. "Did I make your day?" I finally asked when we were leaving. She assured me that I did, but then again, I am her needy little sister.

 20. Make someone's day.

Thursday, August 5, 2010


Y'all. My sister is amazing.

Well, they BOTH are but Katie especially impressed me with her willingness and excitement about joining me in an aerial silks class. She tore herself away from her kids for a few hours to humor me in my quest. If you don't know what aerial silks are, it looks a little something like this. Well, it looks like that when someone other than myself does it.

Needless to say, the thought of trying to learn this recreationaly was thrilling to me and interesting to Katie. So we suited up in our spandex and headed for the gym. Upon arrival (which was an adventure of its own) we sat down with the other class members and the teacher and began to chat. Quite quickly we discovered that Katie was one of two people there that had no dance experience (the other claimed to be a "beginner triathlete" but that was very debatable). This may have caused some sweaty palms on her part, but no more. She is hilarious. She kept me (and everyone else) laughing and happy the whole time. She was confident and strong and so great. And it was hard. I'm not talking 'waking up at 7 to go on a run' hard, I'm talking 'do you think my arms will ever function correctly again?' hard. In case you are wondering, it is 4 days later and I am beginning to regain normal function. Just for proof I am including far too many pictures. They are embarrassing and not flattering but they are proof. Awesome proof.

Someone asked me last night why I decided to do my list. I stopped and kind of laughed at myself. "I don't know.." I answered. "I guess so I wouldn't have a boring summer." "And is that what you gotten out of it?" they continued. "No, not really. I mean it definitely has kept me doing interesting things I might not have done otherwise. But I guess it has gotten me to do them with people I might not have done them with if I hadn't had a goal.. Or if they hadn't supported me."

So thank you for supporting me in my dumb ideas, and more importantly for participating.

3. Go to a trapeze or aerial class.